Endian Firewall Greylisting Help


You probably came here after seeing a mail of yours being rejected with a message like this:

Greylisted for 300 seconds (see http://greylisting.endian.com/)

This techy message simply means, that due to our spam and virus precautions, our mail server decided to delay your email.

As you see this error message in your email, this probably means that your email client isn't configured correctly, as normally the mail server should trust your machine.

How to prevent greylisting?

Check your mail server configuration (SMTP) to see if encryption and authentication for the SMTP server is turned on. If you don't know how to configure your mail application, contact your system administrator.

If you want to know more about greylisting, click here

Who to contact in case of problems

According to the URL you used, you had problems when sending a mail to somebody@. The right contact-address for problems with the domain is postmaster@

Have a nice day.

Endian Support Team